Concatenate values in multiple columns into a single column
This function concatenates the values in multiple columns of a data frame into a single column. It filters out blank, NA, and excluded values before concatenating the remaining values with a space in between. It also removes parenthesis and extra spaces from the concatenated string, unless specified otherwise.
- data
A data frame containing the columns to concatenate
- columns
A character vector of column names to concatenate
- exclude_value
A character vector of strings to exclude from the concatenated values
- new_column_name
A character string of the name of the new column to create. This column can be one of the existing columns used to concatenate.
- keep_parenthesis
A boolean indicating whether to keep parenthesis in the concatenated string (default is TRUE)
# Concatenate consumption unit columns in IHS5 data
hces_data <- data.frame(
food_item_code = c(101, 102, 103, 104),
cons_unit_name = c("OTHER (SPECIFY)", "BASIN", "PIECE", "OTHER (SPECIFY)"),
cons_unit_oth = c("HEAP", NA, "Soy", "TUBE"),
cons_unit_size_name = c("SMALL", "HEAPED", NA, "LARGE")
# Concatenate food item columns in HCES data
hces_data <- concatenate_columns(data = hces_data, columns = c("cons_unit_name", "cons_unit_oth",
"cons_unit_size_name"), exclude_value = c("SPECIFY", "OTHER"), new_column_name="survey_food_item",
keep_parenthesis = FALSE)