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This function splits a labelled variable into two new variables: one containing the numeric values and one containing the character labels. The new variables are added to the input data frame and the original variable is dropped by default.


split_dta(data, split_var, val_to, lab_to, drop_split_var = TRUE)



A data frame containing the input variable.


A character string specifying the name of labelled the input variable to split.


A character string specifying the name of the new variable to contain the numeric values.


A character string specifying the name of the new variable to contain the character labels.


A logical value indicating whether to drop the original variable (default is TRUE).


A data frame with the new variables added and the original variable dropped (if specified).


df <- data.frame(
  HHID = c(rep("hh01",5),rep("hh02",5)),
  food_item = (rep(101:105,2)),
  consYN = sample(1:2,10,replace = TRUE)

# Add value labels
df$food_item <- labelled(df$food_item, c("maize" = 101, "wheat" = 102, 
"rice" = 103, "meat" = 104, "fish" = 105))
df$consYN <- labelled(df$consYN, c("Yes" = 1, "No" = 2))

# Print data frame
#>    HHID food_item consYN
#> 1  hh01       101      1
#> 2  hh01       102      1
#> 3  hh01       103      2
#> 4  hh01       104      1
#> 5  hh01       105      1
#> 6  hh02       101      2
#> 7  hh02       102      1
#> 8  hh02       103      1
#> 9  hh02       104      1
#> 10 hh02       105      2

# Split the food_item column into two new columns
split_dta(df, "food_item", "food_item_id", "food_item_lab")
#> Variable food_item has been split into food_item_id and food_item_lab.
#> Variable food_item has been dropped.
#>    HHID consYN food_item_id food_item_lab
#> 1  hh01      1          101         maize
#> 2  hh01      1          102         wheat
#> 3  hh01      2          103          rice
#> 4  hh01      1          104          meat
#> 5  hh01      1          105          fish
#> 6  hh02      2          101         maize
#> 7  hh02      1          102         wheat
#> 8  hh02      1          103          rice
#> 9  hh02      1          104          meat
#> 10 hh02      2          105          fish