This function takes a data frame as input and returns a character vector of the names of the variables in the data frame that are labelled using the `haven` package.
df <- data.frame(
HHID = c(rep("hh01",5),rep("hh02",5)),
food_item = (rep(101:105,2)),
consYN = sample(1:2,10,replace = TRUE)
# Add value labels
df$food_item <- labelled(df$food_item, c("maize" = 101, "wheat" = 102,
"rice" = 103, "meat" = 104, "fish" = 105))
df$consYN <- labelled(df$consYN, c("Yes" = 1, "No" = 2))
# Print data frame
#> HHID food_item consYN
#> 1 hh01 101 2
#> 2 hh01 102 1
#> 3 hh01 103 1
#> 4 hh01 104 1
#> 5 hh01 105 1
#> 6 hh02 101 2
#> 7 hh02 102 1
#> 8 hh02 103 1
#> 9 hh02 104 2
#> 10 hh02 105 2
# Check for labelled variables
#> The following variables are labelled: Use `hcesNutR::split_dta()` to split the data into two separate columns.
#> [1] "food_item" "consYN"